
AtMoDat and GeoKur are "project sisters" under the BMBF funding initiative "Entwicklung von Kurationskriterien und Qualitätsstandards von Forschungsdaten" (Development of curation criteria and quality standards for research data).

Members of both projects met to explore common research activities and potentials for future collaboration. 

GeoKur (https://geokur.geo.tu-dresden.de/) has established a framework for improving metadata quality and curation of scientific geodata using global land use data as proof of concept. While the focus of AtMoDat is on improving the reusability of atmospheric model data, we identified several areas where our activities could be interlinked. In the short term, GeoKur will test the atmodat checker for checking the metadata quality of land use data and will provide feedback on what would need to be modified to make the checker work also for this kind of geodata. In the medium term, we agreed to collaborate towards developing and promoting so-called maturity indicators. Maturity indicators are meant as an additional property to contemporary metadata schemata that help to store various information on the quality of the data and the metadata. In the longer perspective, GeoKur will explore if and how the GeoKur standards could be incorporated into the EASYDAB framework. 

See also the GeoKur News Feed on this event at https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/geo/geoinformatik/die-professur/news/atmodat-meets-geokur.