The #vBIB20 was a virtual conference for German speaking librarians. It was organised because the German Librarians Conference (Bibliothekartag, May 26th – 28th 2020) was cancelled due to COVID-restrictions. The virtual conference was organized between May 26th and May 28th 2020 as a web conference with 3 parallel sessions, where presentations were either recorded in advance or given in realtime. Participants could ask questions in the chat, which were answered after each presentation.
The presentation showed some aspects of quality in meteorology, how aspects of quality can be tested automatically (example FAIR data test tools) and how the quality of a data set can be shown in the metadata of a DataCite DOI (download the presentation). The AtMoDat project drafted the concept of the Data Maturity Indicator, which is meant to provide a central location for such quality information.
All presentations were recorded and will be stored in the TIB AV-Portal.